trajr - Animal Trajectory Analysis
A toolbox to assist with statistical analysis of animal trajectories. It provides simple access to algorithms for calculating and assessing a variety of characteristics such as speed and acceleration, as well as multiple measures of straightness or tortuosity. Some support is provided for 3-dimensional trajectories. McLean & Skowron Volponi (2018) <doi:10.1111/eth.12739>.
Last updated 8 months ago
7.69 score 27 stars 151 scripts 425 downloads
Durga - Effect Size Estimation and Visualisation
An easy-to-use yet powerful system for plotting grouped data effect sizes. Various types of effect size can be estimated, then plotted together with a representation of the original data. Select from many possible data representations (box plots, violin plots, raw data points etc.), and combine as desired. 'Durga' plots are implemented in base R, so are compatible with base R methods for combining plots, such as 'layout()'. See Khan & McLean (2023) <doi:10.1101/2023.02.06.526960>.
Last updated 3 months ago
5.20 score 4 stars 5 scripts 351 downloads